Friday, 1 April 2011
January 2007
Sophie's first cover of 2007 - although the magazine was actually published in 2006 - is a bit of a stunner. Not really issued in conjunction with anything like a book or a movie, the original magazine came in a foil cover that didn't actually give much of an indication that Sophie was on the cover at all - "Lost" actress Evangeline Lilly got more attention. The reason for the magazine coming "wrapped up" in the first place was because it included a free (Sophie-less) 2007 calendar. The "Links" page on the Sophie-ography includes a link to the Ryan Michael Kelly site, for other photos from the same session are on his website. This link should take you straight to Sophie's page:

14th October 2007
One of several covers Sophie made in conjunction with the release of her first "full length" novel, "Dancing With The Grown Ups". This was a Mail On Sunday newspaper freebie, a link to an on-line version of the article is on the 'Links' page of the Sophie-ography. This scan is the webmaster's signed copy.

Spectrum (Australia)
27th/28th October 2007
Another newspaper freebie, this time with the Sydney Morning Herald. Another book tie in, the photo accompanying the article inside was one of the promo shots taken at the time. The supplement itself is quite thick, and is of "newspaper" size.

November 2007
Another magazine to tie in with the book, this one actually featured Sophie back in modelling mode again, with another "Sophie as Debbie Harry" shoot. Sophie had 'appeared' as Harry in a US edition of Vogue some six years earlier. This news article includes some of those shots:

British Vogue
November 2007
As before, UK export copy to North America.

Newbridge Catalogue
Fall 2007
OK, not quite a magazine, but worthy of inclusion. One of Sophie's final "proper" modelling expeditions, Newbridge are an Irish silverware company. This catalogue includes page after page of Sophie photos, again, this is the webmaster's own signed copy.
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