Sunday, 5 June 2011

26th April 2009
And so, with the release of Sophie's first cookbook, her magazine covers became very much "food-based". This was the first of several magazines, with exclusive photoshoot, to tie in with the "Voluptuous Delights" release, and was given free with The Mail On Sunday newspaper. There is a link to an online version of the article elsewhere on this site.

Celebs On Sunday
31st May 2009
Another exclusive shoot, this time in a Sunday Mirror freebie mag, although the rights to the photos are owned by Getty Images who have more photos from the shoot on their website.

June 2009
Another exclusive food related shoot. This magazine was available in (at least) six minor variant editions, and details of this are in an "Easter Egg" style hidden section on the "Sophie-ography".

Good Weekend
11th July 2009
Australian newspaper freebie. The photo on the cover was from the 2006 "Arena" shoot, and along with another photo from the shoot inside, the rest of the article was a "Greatest Hits" set of photos from across the years.

Observer Food Monthly
December 2009
If proof be needed that cooking is the new Rock And Roll, then here it is. Around about the same time The Observer stopped giving away it's free music magazine, this cover appeared. The cookbook, by now, was some 6 months old, but Sophie had become part of Cookery Royalty, and could thus be relied upon to do an interview and photoshoot when requested. The timing of this newspaper freebie was obviously timed to coincide with the run up to Xmas.
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