Monday, 4 July 2011

Your February Love Stars
2nd February 2010
A freebie supplement inside the "Daily Mirror" newspaper, this is as the title suggests, an astrology supplement. Picture of Sophie and Jamie Cullum in the top right is from the "Fantastic Mr Fox" premiere, the previous year.

Health Smart
February/March 2010
An American magazine, which the webmaster does not have in his collection, so can't tell you too much about it. It's a health/fitness style magazine, which was more or less the first magazine to tie in with the TV show.

The Sunday Times Magazine
7th March 2010
And so, with "The Delicious Miss Dahl" about to air, the UK magazines start to surface. This freebie, complete with exclusive photoshoot, was included - as you'd expect - inside the "Sunday Times" newspaper.

17th March 2010
This is another freebie, but is not included inside any magazine or paper. Instead, it's a magazine given out "on the streets" in selected UK cities. The same publishers also give away a free entertainment mag called "Shortlist" as well. Limited circulation in terms of location, but quite a few copies get made, so copies of this do turn up on eBay now and again.

Radio Times
20th March 2010
The "official" BBC TV guide, so with the TV show due to air on BBC2, it was no surprise that RT did this cover, with exclusive photoshoot. Several other photos were shot to tie in, which were published on the BBC website, and then used by other magazine and newspapers. Many of the covers below utilise the second shoot.

The Scotsman Magazine
20th March 2010
Newspaper freebie, with the (Scottish only) "Scotsman" newspaper. This is quite a sturdy freebie, with several more pictures inside, a mix - as ever - of "old" photos (catwalk in 97, "Opium" ad) and some of the "2nd Radio Times" shoot.

Press And Journal TV Week
20th March 2010
As the title suggests, again, this is a newspaper freebie from inside the Aberdeen Press And Journal newspaper, coming from Scotland again. A lot more flimsy, there's no Sophie inside, just a basic TV listing for the week and not much more.

Aga Living
April/May 2010
If like me you can't cook, then you might wonder what an "Aga" is. Well, it's basically a posh cooker! Same photo as the "Press And Journal" supplement.

The Sunday World Magazine
11th April 2010
The TV show did broadcast outside of the UK, which explains this Irish newspaper freebie, which focuses in on the so-called "food fight" between Sophie, Nigella, et al. Whilst I like the phrase "Gastro Porn", it was a bit wide of the mark as far as the TV show was concerned!
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