Sunday, 1 March 2009



Sun Woman
26th February 1997

Sophie's first "cover". It is in fact a newspaper supplement that appeared in the middle of "The Sun" newspaper, and was available for one day only. UK newspaper supplements will sometimes have a cover adorned with nothing more than a tagline, but this one has a Sophie article, the first few paragraphs of which were printed on the front. Some supplements have the cover as "page 1", others will list it as a high number, as if it were part of the main newspaper. The article dealt with Sophie's recent barnstorming debut at London Fashion Week, with another sizzling photo from the catwalk inside, where her appearance as the 'big model' made her stand out from the crowd. The rest, as they say, is history...

May 1997

The first "proper" cover, and another celebration of Sophie as the leader of the 'over-sized model' brigade. The magazine featured a series of exclusive Sophie shots, most of which have never re-surfaced in any other publications - four in total. The cover shot was used for many years on the front of Sophie's official Storm Models promocard - a black and white reprint of the cover appeared in the middle, with Sophie's Vital Statistics down the right hand side. "Arena" itself is now defunct, a victim of the post-2008 credit crunch. Scans should be featured somewhere in the middle of this discussion forum:

6th July 1997

A month or so after Sophie appeared in a shoot for this "Observer" newspaper supplement, they couldn't resist getting her back - and this time, put her on the cover. This was an 'A-Z Of The Seaside' special, with Sophie cropping up a couple of times - in the "S is for Saucy" and "U is for Undressing" sections. The photos in this one are beautiful.

13th July 1997

A week later, The Observer put her on the cover again. This time, the magazine was an 'A-Z Of The Countryside' special, and Sophie again appeared a couple of times during the 'countdown'. The main photoshoot is a revelation - Sophie on the tennis court, and a photo of her looking like the sexiest cricketer you will ever see. As was the norm in those days, as a model, she was there more or less to be seen and not heard - so not the faintest whiff of an interview anywhere.

The Express Saturday
19th July 1997

Another UK newspaper freebie, this one is a bit more impressive than the "Sun Woman" cover. It's an actual magazine, rather than a pull out, and was available with the "Daily Express" for one day only. The cover is a bit cluttered - but most "Express Saturday" covers were like this. Again, there are more photos inside. The tagline, "Tales Of The Unexpected", is a reference to her grandfather's TV show of the same name, shown between 1979 and 1988.

August 1997

A Greek mag, and one of only a handful on this site that the Webmaster still fails to have in his collection, it consists of another exclusive photoshoot. In 2003, the New Life Foundation charity auctioned off Teddy Bear t-shirts that were each signed by a celebrity, complete with a little glossy pic of said celebrity thrown in as well, and one of the "Klik" photos was used on the photo that accompanied the Sophie signed shirt. Scans of these photos shoud be here:

Autumn/Winter 1997

The first ever issue of this freebie magazine, available on trains operated by Virgin Trains during the fall of 1997. Again, a reference to Sophie's size provides the magazine with a headline. "Hotline" is still being published, although it's front cover design has altered since 1997.

October 1997

Another debut issue, but "Cover" as a publication became defunct many years ago. It was an A3 glossy designed as a "best of" magazine - it specialised in reprinting recent articles from newspapers and magazines, and this issue featured Sophie's interview in "Life" from 8th June 1997, the free magazine given away with "The Observer" newspaper. Photos from the article were also reprinted, and the cover photo you see here formed part of the original article. This is a scan of the webmaster's signed copy of the mag.

19th December 1997

Another freebie, this time with "The Evening Standard", a London evening commuter paper that used to also be available in some surrounding counties. The magazine is big, pretty much the size of the newspaper itself, although for many years now, "ES" has been published in a more "standard" magazine size, whilst The Standard itself is now a free paper. Inside, there was a two page spread of Sophie, complete with exclusive photo, and this copy - again - is a scan of the webmaster's own signed copy. The only downside was that the inside picture was printed right across two pages, meaning Sophie has staples through her middle!

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