Sunday, 3 October 2010
Citizen K
Spring 2001
Quite an interesting magazine this - written in two different languages throughout, but in theory, a UK printed mag, although it did only seem to be available in selected newsagents. A wealth of beautiful and exclusive photos are tucked away inside.
Spiegel Reporter
March 2001
As I have forgotten most of the German I learned for my GCSE, I can't completely tell you what the article in this one is about. But it seems to be an article on health and weight, mainly concerned with being overweight - Sophie, at the time, was still just about being talked about as the "Big Supermodel". She is listed on the front as an "XXL" model, which is probably going a bit over the top. Lovely picture, anyway.
The Sun
17th Mar 2001
It's a well known fact that when a model does a major magazine cover shoot, the cover will be framed in the offices of their modelling agency. I doubt this one ever appeared in Storm Models though! Sophie made headline news on the cover of this UK tabloid when it was revealed she was dating Mick Jagger. Some nice pictures inside as well, but not sure if this was really front page news!
22nd March 2001
An Italian fashion mag, complete with an at-the-time exclusive set of photos - at least one has since re-appeared in the 2002 Elite Modelling Agency Filofax, given out to industry types. The picture that appears in both has text across the middle in the mag, but is un-obscured in the filofax.
March/April 2001
Another defunct fashion/beauty mag, this featured a couple of exclusive Sophie pix on the cover and contents page, bur nowhere else in the mag. A 6 foot tall promo poster displayed in newsagents at the time featured the text from the magazine cover in different places, text that obscures Sophie's face on the mag doesn't do so on the poster. Most promo posters just reprint the magazine cover (minus the barcode) but I am not sure how many of the "Bare" posters still exist. I have one, and it could well be the only one in existence for all I know.
Net TV
8th April 2001
Italian internet magazine, the article has a mish-mash of photos accompanying an article about the first set of Sophie Dahl pages on the internet. There is a link to that very site here:
July 2001
Being a model, a large chunk of Sophie's earlier covers didn't have much in the way of interviews, with the magazines often then just featuring a photoshoot. Thankfully, Sophie is rather photogenic so we should have no complaints. This magazine includes some of the best ever Sophie pics you will ever see, as evidenced here:
7th August 2001
An Australian newspaper freebie, this one has a big front cover picture from Sophie's appearance on the catwalk in Sydney in July 1999. The picture has been seen elsewhere, but this one is uncropped, the only downside being the text obscuring Soph. The inside picture taken during her day in 1997 as a "human art exhibition" is
one of her best shots. Another picture from the event can be found on diary pages of this very website.
10th September 2001
Aussie gossip mag, with Sophie sharing the cover with Catherine Zeta Jones and Kate Winslet. For some reason, CZJ's arm protudes "outside" of the border, making her photo a bit more prominent that Ms Dahl's. Adorable photos inside, well worth hunting down.
7th October 2001
Another UK freebie, this one given with "The Observer" newspaper, consisting of exclusive fashion shoot photos with Sophie in black wig throughout.
Seven Days
15th November 2001
This freebie came inside UK glossy "Hello", stapled in the centre, and with no mention of it on the front cover of the main magazine itself. Easy to miss unless you happened to open the magazine to look at what was in the middle. Sophie shares the cover with three other celebs in an article about guru Bharti Yvas.
5th December 2001
Another split cover, this time with Christina Ricci and Rachel Hunter - both of whom, like Sophie, have appeared in music videos in their time. Another dieting article inside, the front cover picture of Sophie is from the 2001 VH1 Fashion Awards.

December 2001
Another hyper rare mag that I don't own, all I can tell you about this is that it's Japanese, and features a rare Sophie cover. Anybody have one to sell?
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