Sunday, 1 May 2011

Irish Independent Weekend
26th January 2008
Seemingly a delayed magazine cover to vaguely tie in with Sophie's debut novel from the tail end of 2007, this is another newspaper freebie. However, it's worth tracking down as the cover and most of the inside pictures are quite rare, and come from Sophie's photoshoot the previous year for the Newbridge Silverware campaign.
11th May 2008
UK Newspaper freebie, this time from "The Sunday Express". It might seem slightly out of date, given that the cover makes reference to Sophie's novel, but "Playing With The Grown Ups" had just been given a paperback reissue in the UK, so this mag seemed to tie in quite well.

Harpers Bazaar
September 2008
Heralded "The British Issue", this magazine was proof that Sophie hadn't quite thrown the modelling towel in just yet, as this was another exclusive covershoot, but with a bit of a Sophie written feature in the mix.

Harpers Bazaar (Export Edition)
September 2008
Once more, UK edition of the same mag made available for sale in North America. You can't quite see it on this scan, but a union jack flag appears top left on this version of HB. Because of the extra amount of "info" also printed top left, the placing of the remaining text has been altered for this cover.
Harpers Bazaar (Mail Order Edition)
September 2008
A recent fad, is the decision to use "alternate" covers for subscriber copies of certain glossy mags. This is the subscriber edition of the same mag, minus all text and barcode.
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